Help your business thrive  

BOOST - a free programme of activities to support your tourism business

North Yorkshire tourism and hospitality businesses can benefit free from a programme of practical marketing support called 'Boost'. The programme is a collaboration between The Tourism Network (Susan Briggs), the York and North Yorkshire Growth Hub, and North Yorkshire Council. It is funded by North Yorkshire Council, as part of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund

Who is it for? 

This programme of activity has been developed for businesses across North Yorkshire. Visitor-facing tourism businesses* can all benefit: 

  • accommodation providers
  • visitor attractions
  • activity and experience providers
  • creative, retail, food and drink businesses

What does it include? 

We have a programme of in-person group workshops, some live workshops that will take place on Zoom, some on-demand pre-recorded sessions (split into five minute short spurts so you can fit them in around other activities), guidance notes, and some group coaching sessions. 

The Boost programme is very practical, with ideas and advice you can implement immediately. We'll cover subjects such as essential marketing activity, how to attract visitors out of season, encourage direct booking, effective mailings, building engagement on social media... We'll publish the full programme soon.

Sign up to the Yorkshire Tourism Network now so you don't miss out.  

Where and when?

Sessions will take place in-person and online. We'll run the live events across North Yorkshire. If you have a suggestion for a location where there's a good critical mass of tourism businesses, please email and we'll try to include it in the programme. It's also good to hear about any local networks or business associations you think we should collaborate with. 

This initial programme of activity will run from July 2024 - March 2025. We already have plans for continued sessions beyond those dates, so make sure you get involved as soon as you can!

What do you need to do now? 

Just sign up now and we'll send you all the dates and details as soon as they're available. 

* This programme is not designed for suppliers to the industry, but there may be other ways we can help. Please email.