Welcome to the Yorkshire Tourism Network

We help tourism and hospitality businesses and destinations to promote themselves more effectively, with practical marketing ideas and support. Save time and money, focusing on what really works!

 Susan Briggs Experience turqFresh ideas, friendly support and opportunities to boost your business and promote your area - free!  

Join the Yorkshire Tourism Network now

It's open to any North Yorkshire visitor-facing tourism or hospitality business, including accommodation, attractions, activities, food and drink. 

The Yorkshire Tourism Network is run by me, Susan Briggs. All our services are designed to make tourism and hospitality businesses more successful. 

Once you've signed up to the Network, you'll receive weekly marketing advice and details of in-person and online marketing training events. Most of this is free of charge. 

You might be wondering why it's free? I'm at the stage of my career where I can now spend some time doing the things I enjoy without charging, such as running tourism networks. 

We're fortunate to be able to offer some extra in-depth help and advice thanks to funding from other organisations. 

Sign up now to find out more and benefit 

If you think your local area or destination might need a little extra help to stand out and attract visitors, you might be interested in this.