Hello, I'm Susan Briggs! 

I love to help make tourism businesses stronger and more successful

Looking for low cost, no-fuss marketing techniques that don't take up too much time?

That's my speciality! I prefer the no-faff, direct route, backed by a longer term vision. That's how I've helped so many businesses owners to attract more visitors and become more profitable. After many years in the tourism industry, I'm fortunate to now be able to focus on projects, businesses and people that feel "right". I'm doing the work I enjoy and find fulfilling, so it's easy to put lots of energy and enthusiasm into it.

I've run my own physical tourism businesses (an unexpected B&B and a holiday cottage) and organised countless events, so the experience I offer is always grass-roots and cost-effective. One client said, "Susan doesn't just call a spade a 'spade' - she's so practical she's likely to pick it up and dig with it".

Susan Briggs Experience turq

I cried. You don't have to!

It was a dark, rainy evening and I cried as I walked home from work. I had a great job in tourism, but felt frustrated and helpless. 

We needed more visitors, more income. 

I had no clue what to do.

I'd studied marketing but they didn't teach anything really practical.

There was lots of general advice available, yet it never felt 100% relevant to a small tourism business.

It felt like there was some kind of secret knowhow and I had no clue how to access it.

It's 3 decades since those tears rolled down my cheeks. But I’ve never forgotten how it felt to not know what to do.

Over the years I've studied, experimented and learnt what marketing is most worthwhile - and kept up with the latest trends. 

Now I love to pass on all that hard-gained practical knowledge. I hope it can benefit you and your business. It could save you time, money and tears - and make your business stronger and easier to run. 

It can be hard for small businesses to find out what works, without making expensive mistakes

You don't need to struggle on alone though.  

We've got lots of ways we can help you. Some are even free! 

Start by joining the Yorkshire Tourism Network and then we'll tell you more. 

How it all started

After studying languages (French, German, and some bad Russian), and then post-graduate Chartered Institute of Marketing diploma, I began my tourism career with a small incoming tour operator in my native Yorkshire, followed by a couple of years with a specialist study tour operator and incentive company in London. During that time I met many representatives from attractions, hotels and destinations who wanted to sell their products to me. Instead of acting as their client, I found myself offering many of them marketing ideas and new contacts. 

It didn't take long before I decided to start my own marketing consultancy (1990), helping destinations, accommodation providers and attractions to promote to a wider market and develop new revenue. At that time self-employment was much rarer and it was often quite tricky but I quickly developed a great client list. They recommended me to others and the business grew. I loved working for famous names such as the Tower of London, Hampton Court Palace, Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, English Heritage, the National Trust, Visit Britain and Visit England, as well as accommodation providers of all sizes from small B&Bs to five star hotel chains, and many destination organisations. 

When I was 20 (and very headstrong/foolish) I'd lived behind the 'Iron Curtain' in the former East Germany where I worked as a translator/interpreter. When I left (got thrown out...), I'd invited everyone I knew to come and visit if the Berlin Wall should ever fall... I never thought it would.

The Wall did come down! A lot of people asked to come and stay. They told their friends, and their friends told their friends so I ended up running a B&B alongside my other work. I didn't do it for too long, but it gave me a very good insight into how hard it is!

I enjoyed living in London for almost 20 years but was really glad when I could move back up to Yorkshire. When we bought our house in the Yorkshire Dales it had a dilapidated annex. The plan was for my parents to move in but my father died, so we ran it as a successful holiday let for several years: more great insights and hands-on experience. 

My working life has involved providing marketing advice and business support, writing and publishing, and running hundreds of marketing training workshops. I used to write a lot of marketing strategies and plan campaigns, but now prefer to work mainly with smaller businesses. I've written 8 tourism marketing and guide books, all published decades ago and now very out of date. Since then I've preferred to write blogs instead: it's so easy to update them and to offer more instant advice.

In my spare time I love discovering new places or finding unexpected hidden gems in familiar spots, creating new events and social gatherings. I'm a trustee of the local Community Office, part of the group that organises Masham Sheep Fair and involved in various other community groups. I write a daily blog about Yorkshire, and a weekly one about tourism marketing. 

Use my tourism expertise, energy, and enthusiasm to benefit your business. Get in touch to find out how I can help you!