Attract visitors who want to spend time & money in your area
Does you area attract as many visitors as you'd like? Maybe you'd like more year-round visitors? Or more visitors who really appreciate your area? Perhaps you'd like to see closer collaborations between businesses in your area?
What works to not only attract visitors, but to encourage them to stay longer and spend more?
A straight-forward approach to attract year-round visitors
If you'd like to boost your local economy, build your destination's profile and increase local pride, take advantage of this FREE opportunity, thanks to UKSPF funding
I'm able to offer a free tourism marketing workshop to a selected number of North Yorkshire destinations, with some follow-up support for local businesses. The event can take place on a date of your choice, in your preferred location.
How distinctive is your area? Does it stand out from competitors?
This has been a tough, often unpredictable year. There's huge competition and it can be difficult to stand out.
You probably don't have a big marketing budget (or even anything?)
When you know how - It's easier, simpler, quicker and cheaper than you might think to attract visitors who return again and again.
How? I have a tried-and-tested solution, thanks to decades of experience building strong destinations and working with tourism businesses of all sizes. It's particularly suitable for market towns, small cities, villages and rural areas.
Here's how the free marketing workshop for your area can work
We set a date and venue, and invite local tourism and hospitality, food and drink, retail businesses to participate.
The workshop will be very practical, based on everything I've learnt over the last 30+ years. You'll probably be surprised by how much clarity we can achieve during this short session. It doesn't end there though: after the workshop, I'll send you some 'how-to' guidance notes and follow-up ideas, and additional support for businesses.
What we'll do during the workshop:
1. Find and showcase the elements that make your destination special, better and different.
2. Identify the visitors most likely to want to spend time in your area.
3. Understand how to reach the right visitors at the right time, in the right way with the right messages.
4. Look at some examples of 'hidden gem' destinations and what they've done to raise their profile - and the lessons you can learn.
I'll also suggest some tools and tactics that could help you in the future, and how to write about your destination, so others want to promote it on your behalf, as well as ideas for broader collaborations. We can adapt the approach if you've already done some similar work.