Do this one thing: boost your marketing with visitor feedback

1 thing use positive reviews

Each week I cover one quick action you can take to strengthen your marketing. Each step builds on the one before. Sign up here so you don't miss any. You might find it useful to read last week's blog before working on this one. 

Do this one thing: use visitor feedback to boost your marketing

Once you've gathered feedback, separate it into good and bad. Make a note of anything that surprises you. 

Any negative feedback: make a note of the improvements you'll make, and when.

What to do with good reviews, comments and feedback

1. Use the best reviews or comments on your website and in social media posts. Don't just use a photo of an excellent review - turn comments into selling points e.g. 'visitors tell us they love the views over the xxx Hills from the bedrooms'. Be specific - add details such as a place name for extra credibility

2. Consider which aspects of your business visitors praise and make sure you talk about those in your marketing. If there are several, don't always talk about them all at once. You'll be able to focus on each aspect in different social media posts, mailings etc.

3. Look at the words and phrases that visitors commonly use. Do you need to change any words on your website to make it more appealing to potential visitors, who may be searching for terms that don't appear on your website? 

Do this one thing: gather feedback
Let visitors do your marketing for you


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