Never ever use these words and phrases

1 thing avoid these words

In this series of blogs, each week we'll look at one quick action you can take to strengthen your marketing. Make sure you come back each week for the next step - many build on the previous action. You might find it useful to read last week's blog before working on this one. 

Everyone wants to find a way to promote their business as cheaply and effectively as possible. You probably want to make your website, social media, mailings more effective without spending anything? 

The answer is to stand out, or stand for something. Staying neutral and being vanilla might not create enemies but it will make people yawn.

I'm not talking about your decorating style here, but the words you use. Words are the cheapest form of promotion you have so it's worth getting them right.

Get ready to cringe - if you use these words

There are some words that are so over-used and vague your potential visitors will barely notice them. They definitely won't seize on them and think, 'that sounds brilliant - let's go there'. 

You might be worried about perhaps putting someone off if you are too specific or focus on particular strengths or markets, but in fact the opposite is true. It will make your business much more memorable. 

Let's start by looking at some of the words and phrases to avoid

If you're using any of these in your marketing, think about how you can replace them - urgently!

Something for everyone: what does this even mean? What is something? Who thinks of themselves as everyone? A pointless phrase with zero impact

So much to see and do: really? How much? What can you see and do? If there's such a lot, why not give some specific examples instead? 

... and so much more: when I read these words I imagine a whiny voice, running out of energy, bored with itself. It's too vague to mean anything

We have it all: I bet you don't!

Unique: really? Genuinely? How? If you offer something truly unique, excite visitors - describe and be clear why it's unique. 

Diverse: this just doesn't sound very exciting. Could you explain why your area or your business offers something 'diverse'? 

Great location: every business thinks/wants a great location. Make your location count by saying exactly where it is and why the location is 'good'.

The perfect getaway: explain how and why

Simple ways to spice up the words you use in your marketing: 

  • Think about the power of the words you use. Can you find stronger words or more precise phrases? 
  • How can you make some of the words more emotive? 
  • Help people imagine what you offer by using sight, sounds, tastes in your descriptions.
Don't be too good to be true
The power of photography


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