The power of photography

1 thing use photographic evidence

There's one action that you probably know you need to take, but... you might not yet have got round to doing. Maybe you can take this as a reminder/nag?!

It's actually several related actions: take more photos, organise your photos, use your photos!

Images are essential ‘evidence’ and a crucial part of your marketing.

When someone leaves your website to go to a review site, or just scrolls past your info in social media there's often a simple reason: they need to see more - and the 'right' - images to help them imagine what it's like to visit your business or area. Images play a crucial part in convincing visitors. They're free to take and it's easy to select the best, so why don't we use them more? 

You need photos to:

explain every aspect of your business and local area

- to convince potential visitors you have what they’re looking for

- to show guests that there’s plenty to do in your area so they'll stay longer

- to remind previous visitors what they loved

- to generate a little FOMO and fill any gaps

- to help people look forward and make advance bookings (a sunny picture posted on social media on a rainy day can work wonders!)

The photos you take on your phone will be fine for your website, social media, and any mailings you do. Don’t hold back. Marketing is so much easier when you have a library of images/evidence to choose from.


Take photos of small details as well as the bigger picture and overall context of your business.

Try to get some images of people enjoying themselves – preferably people who look like the type of visitor you’d like to attract more of.

Take photos of the surrounding area, other places to visit to show what else there is to do.

Most people want something to do, eat and drink, possibly places to shop and stay – so include all those categories in your photography.

When you take a photo, do it at least twice – you never know when you’ll need a portrait, landscape or square format image.

Look out for opportunities to take photos of things that might surprise or delight visitors – a little intrigue can work well.

I really want to stress: any spare moment, when you’re taking a quick break, when you see something beautiful, when you spot a smiling guest having fun (ask permission), when you go anywhere, when you notice something a little special or different – take a photo.

Some will be brilliant. Some will be rubbish. You can edit them later.


Never ever use these words and phrases

1 comment

Darren Archibald

Excellent! I thought I always did enough, but will do more, very good points.

Archie. Whitby Sea Salt.

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